Monday 16 October 2017

How to Manage People

Managing people is something that we need to study and experience. Nothing comes easy in this world. You can be a leader but you will not have the abilities to manage people. You can manage people but you are not a leader. From these sentences, it can be explained that being a leader and managing people are two different things. Today, on this beautiful morning, I would like to share with you about how to manage people.

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The first thing to do when managing people is to get rid of the word manager and change it with leader. Leader is not born, it is made. My lecturer told me this and it is somehow true. So when you have the mindset of leader, people would  be following your orders because you're in control of everything. 

Next, you need to have a bit sense of humour. Why am I saying this, because there are times when you need to be serious when managing people and there are times where you need to have sense of humour. People do not like to work in a stressful place because its hard to work. So you need to know how and when to act to manage people.

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Source : Google Image

Next, you need to treat everyone equally. You need to remember that not everyone is the same. They dont have the same kind of problems. So be sensitive to them because we do not know what are the things that they are facing. Positions are important be people need to be treated equally.

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Source : Google Image

Furthermore, you need to know the strengths and the weaknesses of your team. You must remember that everybody is different. Not everyone is capable of doing what you want but this thing can be improved. The only thing that you need to have is faith. When you as a leader have faith in your team, the productivity will be increased. Whenever your team has something, you need to sit together and discuss on how to improve it. 

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Source : Google Image
Not only what I've mentioned above, you need to learn how to communicate. Communication is very important, you need to learn how and when to say things in front of your team. Communication is also important to make sure that things that are delivered is well understood so that they can carry out the task easily. 

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Source : Google Image

There are things that people need to learn. They need to improve themselves, they cannot stay within their comfort zone, they need to stay  out of comfort zone so that they can challenge themselves. There are many other ways on how to manage people but for me, these are the key element that you need to have when managing your team. Have a good day! 

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