Friday, 8 December 2017

Leadership shown by our Platoon Leader

Hello guys, how're you doing?

so right now i will write about our beloved 18 alpha platoon leader.
i love to eat a lot

His name is Mohd Kamal Bin Bustami, he's been holding the platoon leader title for 2 semester which is equivalence almost 1 year... wow i don't have any idea how he persevere that long..
Through up and downs and all the unthinkable attitude of each student in 18 alpha class he still manage to stay calm do his duties and excel in studies,, wow!! He's so inhuman, haha,, sorry for exaggerating.

so here is the leadership quality in him that he show throughout our journey together as a classmate and as a leader a follower.

1. Able to influence others
2. Competent
3. Set example
4. Willingness to accept responsibility
5. Able to simplify situations
6. Able to stimulate work
7. Have passion
8. Confident
9. Sincerity

our PL

18 alpha squad

with our beloved mother

our last class of leadership 

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